Monday, November 19, 2007

Read This Again

Time to haul this back out. Things have changed since when I first wrote this post.
Mike Johanns has resigned as Secretary of Agriculture, as he thinks he can be the next Senator from Nebraska since Chuck Hagel is retiring. He's no Chuck Hagel let me say.
And without his less-than-firm-grasp on the Bill, there are now more pigs at the trough.

OpenLeft has brought to me the term "cornarchists" which I think sums it up pretty nicely.

The whole problem is going nowhere fast.
Anyway, like I said back in July. Take a look around.

Take a look around your neighborhood.

If you live anywhere urban or rural, chances are you see some hungry people on a daily basis. You may not know it right then and there, but sometime during your week you will have run across someone who themselves or their family is participating in the Food Stamp program, or is receiving aid from a Food Bank participating agency.

In my videos, I am just showing the slow and invisible problem in the heartland, and that problem is fairly large in rural farm areas. Larger than you'd think. When a disaster strikes, like Hurricane Katrina, the poor suffer even more. America's Second Harvest is STILL providing aid in overdrive to the Gulf region. 65.2 Million Meals to date.

Remember, all of this relief is private; not government funded in the least. So why am I harping on it? The Farm Bill will dictate how the private efforts go. And it's heating up. Next week, it's back in the House Committee on Agriculture. The Senate will talk about it too, and it's fortunate that Patrick Leahy (VT) is the chair on the sub committee for nutrition and food assistance.

Call and write these people. The food stamp program needs to be increased in eligibility requirements and overall spending, not decreased in any fashion.

Justice comes from the bottom, up.

Do you find it as odd as I do, that none of this is apparently newsworthy?

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