Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Reason why I say that is, presto, change-o, the Super Delegates will come to our rescue! That's right. In a race which has done it's job, i.e. trounce the chances of true progressives (Kucinich, Dodd, Edwards) the race fixers have another card to play, and I ain't talking the race card.
It's the Very Serious Grownup Card. The Party knows what to do, since you hicks can't get further than 600,000 or a 1,000,000 popular votes apart (depending on who you ask)
So I offer this little bastardized ditty:
Could be anti-democratic and abomination
just the frikking sound of it does give me constipation

(Um fiddle fiddle fiddle, um little lie
Um fiddle fiddle fiddle, um little lie)

One candidate was doing well but he was just lad
The other had some baggage but was really not so bad
In races they came very close, so we shall now be had!
The Dems will tell you who you'll have, just like your Mom and Dad!


Could be anti-democratic and abomination
just the frikking sound of it does give me constipation

(Um fiddle fiddle fiddle, um little lie
Um fiddle fiddle fiddle, um little lie)
I just hope Ms. Poppins is around to clean up Denver after the wreck that it could concievably be post-Convention.
One more thing; don't you think that it's time to substitute the Village Elders' wisdom for our own? Once this damn contest is over, Democratic party reform is most definitely in order, and I think we should start with the Speaker Of The House.
UPDATE: Not on this blog's current thread, but from others I am reading there is a LOT of misconception out there.
A - Some folks are calling out for Super Delegates to endorse already. Well, why should they? If they do, they could have the effect of disenfranchising folks who haven't voted in a primary yet. And if I was John Edwards in particular, there is NO WAY I would wade into this fray. He can't be right for about most of the folks who are calling for him and other past candidates to endorse.
B - Lots of folks are claiming that the prevailing wisdom is that SDs will vote along the popular vote trends, OR that the Supers could put an end to this "tearing the party apart" crap now if "they had the balls." DOH! Wrong! Supers were made to REVERSE the popular will if the aforementioned Village Elders think that the populace has been hoodwinked by populism for starters. So calling all Rahm Emmanuels, keep your motor running! Secondly, the critters ain't voting, just endorsin' until the Convention. So literally, just keep your pants on.
Unless you're in the Mob's comment section. Pants are optional, and the pant rack is on the LEFT, on your way in the door. Long live Sans-Culotte!

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